Dreamcatcher with rattan ring and feathers 50 cm diameter
Dreamcatcher with rattan ring and feathers 50cm diameter DC MOD01 030WH
A "dreamcatcher with rattan ring and feathers" is a decorative item that is designed to catch bad dreams and promote good ones. It is made with a circular frame made of rattan or other similar materials, with a woven pattern in the center that resembles a spiderweb. The dreamcatcher is often decorated with feathers, beads, and other decorative items that hang from the bottom of the frame. The traditional belief is that the good dreams pass through the center of the web and slide down the feathers to the sleeper, while the bad dreams become trapped in the web and evaporate with the morning sun. Dreamcatchers are often associated with Native American cultures and traditions, but they have become a popular decorative item worldwide.
Rattan: Rattan is characterized by its slender and fibrous stems, which are typically harvested and processed for various applications. The outer skin of the rattan stem is removed, revealing the inner core, which is the part used for crafting furniture and other products. The core is naturally solid, smooth, and cylindrical, making it ideal for weaving, bending, and shaping. The flexibility of ratan makes material for weaving and constructing furniture with curved or rounded shapes.
Electric Design: Eclectic design is a style that draws inspiration from a diverse range of sources, combining elements from different periods, cultures, and aesthetics to create a unique and visually engaging look. It is a fusion of various design styles, often characterized by the juxtaposition of contrasting elements.
Dreamcatcher: This dreamcatcher starts with a circular hoop, traditionally made from a flexible material like willow wood. The hoop represents the circle of life and unity. Modern dreamcatchers may also use metal, plastic, or other materials for the hoop.
Extending from the hoop is a woven web, resembling a spider's web. The web is crafted using a strong thread or cord, traditionally made from sinew or plant fibers. The web is woven in a symmetrical pattern with a hole left in the center. This hole is believed to allow good dreams to pass through while capturing bad dreams and nightmares.
Dimensions (Length x Width x Height)
- 100cm x 50cm
Made in Indonesia